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 carina talla


Get to know me, my story, and why I am so passionate about living my purpose and helping you on your healing journeys.


healing coach

Carina Talla is a healing coach, inner child healing expert and the founder of the How To Heal Method, a 12 step methodology for healing from childhood trauma. She has developed a modernised approach to inner child healing that combines trauma informed science, psychology, holistic healing & spirituality.

Carina helps people to heal their inner child so they can overcome anxiety, manage emotions with ease & take control of their lives.

A well trusted voice for inner child healing, mental health and self-love for the modern world today. With her inspirational life story of overcoming childhood adversity, she first hand knows what it takes to heal from trauma and has helped thousands of people across the globe do the same. Her core message is to love and be kind to the little child within.

She is known and recognised for her passion and devotion to helping others heal and change their lives. She believes it’s her life’s mission and purpose to help as many people as she can, for as long as she can. To bring love to the journey of healing.


Carina is the  founder of the How To Heal™ Method, a twelve step healing programme for mental health & childhood trauma. It’s a integrated approach to inner child healing that combines trauma informed science, psychology, holistic healing, and spirituality. 


a MESSAGE from carina TO YOU

Hi my Love,

Thank you so much for being here! I am so happy that you are! If you are reading this right now it is because you have been guided to be here, this is meant to be, so, welcome.

It’s my hearts passion and purpose to guide you on your healing journey. I help people just like you to heal your inner child so you can overcome anxiety, manage emotions with ease & take control of your life.

Self discovery and the journey of inner child healing is truly life-changing, rewarding and empowering. I believe our first purpose in life is to heal and discover our true self, our second purpose is to share that with the world. I have been on my own healing journey for the past ten years, wow, what a journey it has been!

I now share with you the healing tools, rituals and techniques that helped me heal and transform my own life. It’s possible to change for the better to become the person you know deep down you are destined to be, you just need to know, how to heal.

I can’t wait to meet you!

From my heart to yours,

With Love,

Carina x




Everything I share with you is an expression of my passion for healing. I love meeting you in person at my events where you get to know me the most. We heal and have fun!





“My journey of self-discovery, transformation and healing with Carina has been the most rewarding, happy and beautiful journeys I have ever experienced. Dealing with my own inner turmoil and negative dark cycles I was looking for a change and didn't know where to start. From my first session with Carina I felt a kindness that made me feel instantly at ease, and through the weeks I have created a loving and nourishing environment for myself I would have never believed was possible.  Carina's healing, guidance and support has been incredible and life-changing.”

- Emma Mullane




My purpose is to help you heal. I want to show you that healing and the process of turning your pain into your power can be alchemised into something beautiful. Following your calling takes so much courage but I know healing is what my soul was put on this earth to do. I am my highest self when i am living my purpose. Thank you for giving me the gift to be a part of your journey.



The journey of healing, self discovery and personal growth is one that is fascinating to me. As women, mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, and all the different roles we have in life and society, the journey inward to heal is a rite of passage in womanhood. Although I feel strongly about your past and story not defining you, it is also an important part of why someone has become who they are today and that deserves to be acknowledged with compassion. It is often your story that guides you onto a path of healing. We all have a story and owning it is one of the bravest thing any person can do. By owning your story you take away its power and gives you permission to to let it go and create space for a new story to be written. I am so proud of the woman I am today and what it has taken to get here.

My journey of healing and overcoming childhood trauma and adversity is what led me to my path, purpose and mission today. I was born into domestic violence, abuse, and trauma. As a child and up until early adulthood, the cycles of intergenerational trauma that I was born into repeated themselves and meant life was lived in a constant state of survival mode, chronic stress and emotional turmoil. Due to socio-economic struggles I was unable to access support and spent most of my life living in silence with years of trauma buried inside.

Due to the pain of my upbringing and the daily battle with complex post traumatic stress disorder, chronic depression, anxiety, ocd, panic disorder, night terrors, self harm, body dysmorphia and eating disorders, I first fell into drug addiction at the age of twelve, and faced a long dark road for years to come with my mental health and not knowing a way out or that it was even possible to escape the mental suffering I was living in. My physical health began to deteriorate from the stress, causing me to deal with up to sixty symptoms at my lowest point of illness, my body ended up shutting down to the point where i was bed bound and unable to walk across a room aged twenty.

My physical body shutting down was a wake up call to what was going on inside and the debilitating state of my mental health. I was a lost cause in the Western medical system since the first time my GP prescribed me anti-depressants as a child. For many years I felt helpless and alone that there was no solutions being provided to healing my mental and physical health disorders at the time, which I learned later in life were all a result of trauma and the devastating effects it has on the mind and body. I then discovered holistic healing, mind-body connection, inner child therapy and trauma informed practices and embarked on a path of healing and have transformed my life to be unrecognisable. All along it was leading me to my purpose to help others.

I healed all the chronic symptoms I lived with for years and I am now a healthy, happy and successful young woman. All of my life I had no idea that it was possible to heal, and now I am living proof that it is, you just need to know, how to heal. It is now my mission and life purpose to help women with their mental health so they can heal their inner child, build self love and discover their highest self using my How To Heal™Method. I turned my pain into my power and mess into my message, and have gone on to be a beacon of light to help inspire and transform the lives of thousands across the globe. I teach, guide and empower other women from my heart, sharing with you the exact tools i used to heal my own life. It is my passion and purpose to help you heal too.


To help women heal their inner child so they can overcome childhood trauma using my 12 step How To Heal™ Method.




“My healing journey with Carina has quite literally changed my life. The reason it’s changed my life is because through her healing energy and wisdom she has given me the gift to connect with my inner child, truly heal myself through self loving daily practices and of how to set boundaries, which has set me free. Free from the self limiting beliefs I held before, and free from the negative thought patterns I had held onto from my childhood. Thank you for setting me free, you have given me a gift so great I cannot put into words, and I know it couldn’t have happened with anyone but you.”

- Lucy Browne


My why is that I believe everyone deserves a chance to heal their inner child.





My why is passionately driven by wanting to help women heal their mental health and so they can experience the gift of inner child healing, self love and discovering their highest self, because I know how it feels. My purpose is driven from the empathy in my heart of understanding so deeply how it feels to struggle with your mental health and healing from trauma. I also know what it takes to heal and get out of it, which is not a easy or straight forward road at times. My aim is to make your healing journey as safe, compassionate and full of love as possible. Humans heal much better when we feel loved.

I believe if what you know or have experienced has helped you and can help another,it is your gift to share it with the world. If we are not helping and loving each other, what are we even doing here? I connect with all of the inspiring women i am fortunate enough to work from the heart because I have walked the path you are about to take, I was you, I know how it feels. The fears and doubts, the worries and helpless moments.

But, I promise you, with enough faith and determination, you can heal, you just need to know, how to heal. With each step you have got me by your side to guide you. I see every woman i work with as already healed, whole, worthy, enough, my purpose is to guide you to remember, for you to see what I see in you. Believe in yourself girl, I promise you, it’s worth it.



  • Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Consultant

  • Ayurveda

  • Anatomy & Physiology

  • Mindfulness & Mental Health

  • Polyvagal Theory For Anxiety & Depression

  • Inner Child Therapy

  • Life Coaching

  • Usuii Reiki Energy Healing Degree 1 & 2

  • Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner

  • Women’s Circle Facilitator



“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Words cannot describe the profound impact you have had on me. You have supported me, encouraged me, guided me, and comforted me when I couldn't find the strength to do so myself. But most importantly you have shown me the value of self-love and the importance of self-compassion and patience. Learning to love and mother my inner child is the greatest gift anyone could have ever given to me, and I will forever be eternally grateful. I have learned so much from her and love her beyond belief. You lead by example and give me hope on days I didn't have any. You felt like an angel who calmed my mind and ignited my spirit. I looked forward to our time weekly.You have been such a guiding light for me”

- Priscilla Almeida


“Carina!! You are pure magic. Honestly one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I feel awake and alive and living at the same time surrendered calm and grounded. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible gifts and healing energy. I will never forget this experience.”


“I can’t believe how impactful tonight was. Not any words not enough of them. So incredibly grateful to you and for you.”


“That was the most powerful thing i’ve ever done. Thank you so much.”


“I am so lucky to be educated by the best. You are magnetic.”


“That was truly the most transformative experience i have ever had on my healing journey. You are an earth angel in my life.”

“The healing circles are SO informative, powerful, interesting, soothing, and then because there are other women that share the same or similar experiences as you, you feel so safe. Thank you.”


“You are so incredibly talented at your dharma. Your gifts are magnetic. Thank you for sharing them with the world, we need you.”


“I literally have no words to describe you and your healing, there is no one like you.”


“Eloquent, beautiful, magical. This is how you teach.”


“Thank you for all your wisdom it has completely transformed my life.”

“Hi Carina, i just want to thank you for tonight, it was the most internally powerful experience i have ever taken part in. This was my first inner child experience and it was incredible. Gosh, when you said child’s needs are to be heard, seen and loved that really spoke to my soul.”


“I can’t explain how amazing that was. Incredible i have no words to even describe how i am feeling. I am so so glad i found you. Thank you so much for allowing us to feel safe and giving us this experience.”


“Thank you so so much for guiding me through this journey, you are a true ray of light in the world, an angel on earth.”


“You are magic. Never stop this work and healing the world.”





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